
The first 365 reflections began at the beginning of 2021 when yet another lockdown had struck. A friend had made a chance comment about writing and it occurred to me that I, too, could be creative. Everyone was doing something - art, decorating, gardening - so why couldn’t I? And so it began, with no real plan as to what was going to happen. It was just a daily exercise and it was going to be for a year.

A Course in Miracles, however, never really ends. We just keep on learning and learning and learning. As I went along, I began to find the reflections became easier, even enjoyable. And then, after about ten months, a friend said that he could design a blog. Somehow, the publisher gave me permission to use the quotes. Someone I knew could design an e-Book. It all fell into place and a second blog began. This is the third.

The Song of Prayer is quite beautiful when you hear A Course in Miracles’ teachers talk about its deeper meaning. It is a sublime moment of gratitude when something is understood, even if it is only on a superficial level. We realize our unity with what is whole, complete and utterly without an end. In fact, all that we find within the Song of Prayer is directed toward a mind that has freed itself of all ego judgment. It must be a beyond-words experience when everything is clearly understood and the mind is free.

Any reference, then, to the near-death experience throughout this blog is simply there to teach us that this is so. A weekly video - from week seventeen - is included to prove that we are all completely interconnected, and that we are all one. Nothing less than this is possible and, as A Course in Miracles teaches, only the ego wants to tell us that it is.

Meanwhile, in terms of each reflection, whereas when I started, the idea was to reflect on the page that was being read, so everything was in an ordered fashion from day to day, this time the plan is to open the book randomly and reflect on what is there on the page in front of me. Equally, the Song of Prayer itself has required a bit of pre-planning. It has been broken up into 365 parts. Each day, a line or two will be used at the top of each reflection.

After each week, the YouTube video that has been used will be listed below. Click on any of the links below and it can be listened to independently. Or, just go to the page directly and the video will be there.

Keith Kavanagh. The Song of Prayer.

Near-death experiences.

Related videos.
Near-death experiences.

Cate Grieves. The Song of Prayer.

How to use this blog

The reflections will be divided into fourteen per page. You can navigate through any/all of the reflections at your leisure.


Permissions from the publisher - The Foundation for Inner Peace

 “All quotes are from A Course in Miracles, copyright ©1992, 1999, 2007 by the Foundation for Inner Peace, 448 Ignacio Blvd., #306, Novato, CA 94949, www.acim.org and info@acim.org, used with permission.”


 Further information

 *Please note that all references that contain ’T’ relate to the Text, ‘W’ is the Workbook, ‘M’ is the Manual for Teachers, ‘C’ is the Clarification of Terms, ‘P’ is Psychotherapy, and ‘S’ is the Song of Prayer.

 All quotes have been taken from A Course in Miracles, Combined Volume, Third Edition.



 Related blogs:

365 Daily Reflections 2021-2022

365 Daily Reflections (the Workbook): 2022-2023


Related eBooks:

One Year

A Year of the Workbook

The Song of Prayer


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