
Many thanks to all the teachers out there, which really means everyone and everything. This includes all those who have made life hard for us and all those who have made life easy.

A big thanks to Glenda Carlin, who responded to an email from me in 2020 - at a very critical juncture in my life - and who I listened to on YouTube for a long time after that, and still do. And also to Cate Grieves, who did the same. And a big thanks to Keith Kavanagh and his Facebook group, plus all the other A Course in Miracles’ teachers who put themselves ‘out there’ and have the strength and conviction to stand up and be counted.

Equally, a big thanks to all the near-death experiencers who do the same. It is not easy having an NDE - very often guilt arises out of the experience as well as unwelcome side-effects in the form of psychic abilities. Marriages and relationships often fail as a result. But their accounts have certainly helped many thousands of people, and I personally still love listening to them, even twelve years after having listened to the first one.

Many thanks also to the Foundation for Inner Peace, the publisher of A Course in Miracles, for allowing me to use the quotes from the Course. And to everyone who has brought me to this point in time. Life can still be a struggle, but it is so much easier to deal with when you know that life is on your side.

“All quotes are from A Course in Miracles, copyright ©1992, 1999, 2007 by the Foundation for Inner Peace, 448 Ignacio Blvd., #306, Novato, CA 94949, and, used with permission.”


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